Posts Tagged ‘periods’




Increasing additional pound steals a woman’s gratification. Regardless of how hard she tries, there are definite aspects which make her put on some additional body mass. Your period is one of those aspects which make you undergo from this annoying difficulty. A lot of women experience an issue of weight gain prior to and after getting a period.


In addition to a sudden weight gain there are a several additional symptoms, for instance abdomen contractions, backache; lower abdominal soreness, leg pain and restlessness are also there to hassle a female. Ladies who intentionally put in efforts to drop those additional fats and even who are not become anxious concerning this weight gain, since this is predictable and it occurs despite of transformations you make in your program.


With the exception of simply an indication of premenstrual syndrome or PMS, an increment in the additional body mass has its own reasons to put in an appearance. We aim at discussing the reasons cum causes of the same and they are as follows:


Water retention – This is one of the chief universal reasons for achieving weight prior to a period. It has additional names also, for example, fluid preservation or edema. Hormonal transformations cause one to go through the problem from edema. An additional cause is the difficulty with bowel movement and a plunge in the progesterone.


Bloating – This takes place mainly because of accretion of gas in the stomach. This generates because of idleness prior to and after periods. Bloating can also be one of the chief reasons behind your belly contraction cum pain. Constipation, which is pretty common before you start of the month gives rise to bloating.


Food cravings – Take-Control-of-Runaway-Food-CravingsPremenstrual syndrome make a woman to overindulge and thus be inclined to gain a small number of pounds in your real weight. This particular thing takes place when the body’s glucose levels decreases to a certain level and thus to refill the loss of glucose, women are subject to have excess proportions of foodstuffs.


Low magnesium levels – This is associated with the least development of insulin and this gives rise to the foodstuffs or sugar longings. This definitely converts, you into a food monster and you finish up with additional weight gain.